Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Aziz's Biker Fans and His Quick Thought on the Louis XIV

I realized today that Aziz probably gets lots of fan mail from dangerous bikers in the Hells Angels. Bikers with naked lady tattos are probably writing like, "Hey if you joined our cool gang, we would elect you King and maybe build a bike for you that A: is a Harley (Davidson) and "B" has a royal throne on it or something so people can tell you're the Hell's Angel's King. P.S. In our gang sometimes we don't even wear biker helmets." And the naked lady tattoo is on the biker's arm and it probably dances when the biker shoots up junk. When Aziz probably reads the mail, I bet he spits on the floor and says, "Their fucking King? I ain't dancing that political samba bullshit. That shit's for Louis the XIV, AKA the fucking Sun King. Then maybe he wads up the diesel scented letter and one-hands it into his wastebasket from like ten yards away.

So Kirke Gardner, who guess what is my new star pupil and could probably dick punch Paul from Texas right the fuck into Venus, Earth's sister planet, wrote me another Aziz question. Oh, and you can bet I will get to it soon because of importance.


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